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It took me 6 months after that first really open post to find what I hope are the right threads to pull on.

That isn't to say I had no ideas it just felt like I was throwing things at the wall and seeing if anything stuck. I'm practically drowning ideas for stories, worlds, games, etc.

But how do I deliver. That's what I've been fighting myself over. It's funny to look back at the first lonely post before this when I initially set up the site and think, damn, I still have the same problem.

Well. Sort of.

There's a new plan. Stick with me here because it's bold and original. You might not have heard of it.


You might be asking yourself, "Wait, was he not trying this whole time?"

I was trying to try. Pre-try, if you will.

You know the kid that runs up to the edge of the pool and chickens out several times before either finally jumping in or getting shoved in by someone else?

Yeah I did that a lot. Get a cool plan of action to try creating a bit of art or product for consumption and then just throwing that plan in the air to shoot it down like a clay pigeon.

I got quite good at it.

If the plan wasn't enough to support me monetarily (on it's own)? I shot it down.

If I thought I enjoyed the idea more than anyone else would ever have reason to? I shot it down.

If I shared it with people and they didn't spontaneously combust with excitement (totally reasonable expectation, obviously)? I shot it down.

You'd think my dreams were an invading force for how often I plinked them out of the sky before they got far enough to become something.

So where am I now? Depends on what you ask my therapist, I imagine.

But where I hope I am is at a plan of action to just rip the bandaid off.

Self promote.

Fix up this website.

Create art, samples, and concepts to share.

Even on some of the social media sites I am not fond of.

For what? Well. It's complicated. Ish.

I want to write a series of stories from a world I've built. I want to offer those stories to everyone in multiple media flavors such as serial/episodic stories, collections, audio versions, art, video/animatics, merch designs, and even hopefully a table top roleplaying game using my own system.

It seems like a lot but it's kind of an additive process. Each one adds just a little bit to something I've already done in building the world or writing the stories in the first place. And having a flavor for everyone helps me not get bored of a long project as well as broaden a potential audience.

First one I want to do is Abyssal.

A little surreal sci-fi horror meander through dark times on the ocean floor after the surface is gone.

Yeah. I have an obsession with weird dark ocean voids. Don't judge.

Several platforms in mind for different parts of the project but I also plan/hope to kickstart it a little with crowd funding when I get a little steam and shed the non-confidence.

What does that mean? The person who HATES self promotion and shouting for attention has to learn to do that. And try to do so respectfully.

Should be

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